‘Indian economy to become 100 percent digitised by 2020’

New Delhi, Dec 10: The Indian economy, which is currently 50 percent digitized, is expected to reach 100 percent by 2020, a top official said on Thursday,

The digital transformation is being fueled by rapid innovation in the technology space, said National Cyber Security Coordinator Gulshan Rai at the 3rd edition of the National CIO Summit organized by Confederation of Indian Industry.

On the flip side, this transformation makes any country vulnerable to cyber threats, he said. India ranks amongst the five top most countries for malware penetration and security breaches.

Mobility, social networking, customer centricity and optimization of supply chain are four key forces driving the digital transformation, said KPMG director Arnab Mitra.

Organisations need to build capabilities to walk through this transformation, he said, adding successful digital transformation depend on degree of simplicity from adoption perspective, the risks identified and a proper mitigation plan needs to be in place.  (IANS)

Gulshan Raiindian economyNational CIO SummitNational Cyber Security Coordinator