Qasim and his friend launched a terror attack on the BSF Convoy in the morning. Two BSF jawans were killed, while 10 others got injured. When the security personnel gunned down his friend, Qasim fled to a village and held five people hostage on gun point. Three of them escaped from his clutches.
When the Army chopper arrived at the spot, he left the hostages and tried to escape. However, the villagers fought bravely, captured him and handed over to the security personnel.
Qasim was overpowered by the trained members of Village Defence Committee. He and others had come from Pakistan 6-7 years ago. People, who captured him, believe that he could be from any hilly area. Only a few days ago, three terrorists had launched a daring attack in Gurdaspur, killing 5 cops including a SP and 3 civilians. All three terrorists were gunned down in the encounter.