Berhampur Children urge Officials for Child Friendly City Planning

Berhampur, Sep 19: Member of ‘Berhampur City Level Children’s Federation’ met senior officials Sri. Sanjay Singh, Revenue Divisional Commissioner (RDC) and Sri Nikhil Paban Kalyan, Sub-Collector, Berhampur and submitted a memorandum demanding incorporation of ‘child friendly’ components in city planning, development and governance.

They raised the issues of poor neighbourhood and lack of basic services in slums in slums in Berhampur like water, sanitation, housing, public space (parks) and electricity, road and transport services.

They also narrated the child clubs and children’s federation activities in Berhampur, including child led planning , children report card, sanitation drive, wall magazine and requested to seek children’s views and opinion while city planning, and development programs and urban governance.

Officials assured to look into the issues of children in urban development. From Youth for Social Development Shashikant Das, Abhiram Kanhar, Srinivas Dora, Chandan Kumar Sahu, Sujata Bisoi and Suchitra Rout facilitate child club and youth club members.

Children ClubChildren FriendlyCity PlanningSocial ServicesYouth for Social Development