Odisha- Born To Walk The Runway At Mrs Singapore Beauty Queen 2019

Rashmi Rani Patra an Odisha born girl, one among the top finalists in the contest is all set to walk the runway of the Mrs Singapore Beauty Queen 2019 next month.
Rashmi, who originates from Bhubaneswar, completed her MSC in Zoology from Utkal University and did her MBA from Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar. Later she moved to Singapore in 2010.
Currently Rashmi is working for AXA and is also freelancing as an artist. Being a mother of an 11-year-old son hasn’t deterred her from living her dreams. She has taken up modelling as a hobby since last year and hopeful that this contest will help her in exhibiting her talents.

The main event is on May 5. The public voting lines closes on April 18. Click on https://www.facebook.com/1730914597236057/posts/2265568613770650/ to vote for her.

Odisha News Insight
Beauty Queen 2019Girl SingaporeOdisha