Odisha Minister Ramesh Majhi’s Wife dies of Serious Ailments

In a shocking development, Odisha Commerce and Transport Minister and Jharigam MLA Ramesh Chandra Majhi’s wife Tapasi Majhi died of some medical complications. She was air-lifted to Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon after her conditions deteriorated, but the doctors could not save her life.

It is believed that Tapasi had some complications from a family planning operation she had undergone over a year ago. The operation was conducted at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar. And, after that, she suffered multiple problems.

She was admitted to Sum Hospital in Bhubaneswar a few days ago after developing complex problems. But, she did not show signs of improvement despite getting proper treatment. She was in her 30s and is survived by her husband, a son and a daughter. Her body will be brought back to their native place Chandahandi area and the last rites will be conducted at their village.

Commerce & TransportDeathOdishaRamesh MajhiTapasi MajhiWife