Odisha Students Team Selected To Participate in NASA Rover Challenge

A team of school students from Odisha, has been selected by NASA to participate in the NASA Rover Challenge in Huntsville, Alabama. Each year, the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge features an engineering design challenge to engage students worldwide in the next phase of human space exploration. 

The competition challenges high school and college students to create a vehicle designed to traverse the simulated surface of another world. The team NaPSAT, comprising only of school students all aged under fourteen, thus making them the first school team from India to contest in the competition.

The team comprises of nine core members namely Rishikesh Amit Nayak, Anjishnu Pattanayak, Shreyash Vikas Mishra, Ankan Mondal, Nitesh Patanaik, Dati Danda Pani Patra, Kailash Chandra Barik, Tanvi Mallik and Kanuri Varshini. 

They are involved in design, bot driving, mechanics, presentation, management and marketing. 
