Union Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu has ordered a probe into the alleged murder of national fencing champion, Hoshiyar Singh near Kasganj, Uttar Pradesh yesterday by GRP personnel. Hoshiyar Singh, who had won a bronze medal in an under-17 championship in 2005, was returning with his family from Mathura to his hometown Kasganj when the incident took place.
His mother and wife were travelling in Women’s Coach, while he was in the general coach. Hoshiyar Singh had came to the women’s coach to check on his wife, who was unwell. However, the GRP personnel caught hold of him and demanded a bribe of Rs 200.
When Hoshiyar refused to pay the bribe, he was assaulted and thrown off the train, leading to his death. The police tried to show the incident as an accident, saying he had slipped while trying to catch up with the moving train and got stuck. However, the family rubbished the claims.
After the huge uproar, the Railway Minister stepped in and ordered a probe into the incident and strong action against the GRP Constables functioning under the UP Government if they are found guilty. FIR has been lodged against the Constables.