All three chariots of Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra reached the Simhadwara of Puri Srimandir in the evening today, bringing huge relief to the SJTA, which is now gearing up for the ‘Suna Besha’ tomorrow.
The chariots Taladhwaja of Lord Balabhadra and Darpadalan of Devi Subhadra reached the Srimandir first. Later, Lord Jagannath’s Nandighosh reached the Simhadwar. The rituals got delayed by a few hours, but the administration heaved a sigh of relief when all chariots reached their destination, marking the end of Bahuda Yatra.
The police and volunteers did a very good job to control the crowd and provide them with better facilities and services. They should be commended for this excellent work in adverse conditions.