Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik declared package worth Rs 100 crore for infrastructural development of Utkal University while addressing at the Annual Day Celebration on Thursday. Chief Minister inaugurated the Annual Day function at the campus of the Utkal University and congratulated students on the occasion. Giving stress on youth, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said “the greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its youth”. Speaking on the occasion the chief minister said that Utkal Unviersity is the oldest university of the state established in 1943. He stressed on the need to bring back the past glory of the university.
He added that renowned educationalists like Dr. Pranakrushna Parija, Prof. Sriram Chandra Dash, Prof. Manmath Nath Das and many others lifted the glory of Utkal University to a high level. He appealed students to make this university a leading university of the country. He said the state government has decided to covert the campus into a smart, energy efficient and eco-friendly campus. We will also establish a Rural Vocational Training Centre at a cost of Rs 15 crore at Chandikhol, which will act as a rural campus of Utkal University, he added.
The Chief Minister said that the state government is considering setting up a chair in the name of Dr. Pranakrushna Parija and a centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Training in the name of our legendary leader Biju Patnaik.
Other dignitaries graced the occasion were Minister for Higher Education Dr. Pradeep Kumar Panigrahy, Tourism Minister Ashok Chandra Panda, Law Minister Dr. Arun Kumar Sahoo, Minister for Civil Supplies Sanjay Dasverma, Bhubaneswar MP Prasanna Kumar Patsani, MLA Priyadarshi Mishra, BMC Mayor Anant Narayan Jena, Utkal University Students Union Rajesh Raj Swain and Secretary of Union Suryakant Sahoo.