In an unprecedented development, a disappointed parent of a student of DAV Public School, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar on Monday lodged a cheating complaint at Airfield Police Station against the school authority.
Paritosh Tripathy, son of Gyanendra Kumar Tripathy had appeared in the annual examination of Class-XI of 2015 at DAV Public School, Pokhariput, but dissatisfied with the results in two papers i.e. Physics and Mathematics. Hence, his father on July 6th 2015 sent a request letter to The Regional Director, DAV Institutions, Zone-1, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar through the Principal, DAV Public School, Pokhariput for rechecking and providing the photo copies of answer papers of two said subjects.
Since then Gyanendra has been running from pillar to post at DAV Public School, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar to get justice, but in vain. Finally, he had no option but to take legal route to get justice.