Surendra Mishra alias Sura Baba, Chief of Trahi Achyuta Ashram, Jhinti on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar, has been detained along with two sons – Trilochan Mishra and Biranchi Narayan Mishra. They were picked up from the Ashram at around 2:30 AM late night.
They are being questioned at a police station. As they are charged under 291, 324 and 506 of the IPC, they could be arrested soon, hinted Police Commissioner Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sharma. According to latest reports, two guns were recovered from the Ashram. The Trahi Achyuta Ashram recently came under the lens of suspicious following the arrest of two Bihari criminals, who were staying here in disguise for 17 years.
Later, many other allegations such as real estate fraud, illegal and immoral activities, hooliganism, cheating and land grab were levelled against the Ashram, its Chief and his sons. Earlier last evening, around 2,000 people from nearby areas, stormed into the Ashram and ransacked the properties. They set houses on fire and burnt around 20 vehicles. The mob also clashed with the supporters of Sura Baba. When the situation went beyond control, police intervened.