New Delhi, Nov 19: Baba Ramdev-promoted Patanjali on Wednesday said it has followed all the guidelines and regulations of the Food Safety and Regulatory Authority of India (FSSAI) in the launch of its "atta" instant noodles and other…
New Delhi, Nov 16: Baba Ramdev-promoted Patanjali on Monday formally launched its wholewheat instant noodles, just a week after product leader Nestle's Maggi re-hit the retail shelves after a five-month ban imposed by the food-safety…
Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev has launched his brand of Noodles, known as Atta Noodles, in Haridwar today. The Atta Noodles prepared by Patanjali, made its way to market befoMaggire the return of Nestle's Maggi Noodles. On the packet, it is being…