Facebook Debate on bringing Tribals/Dalits into Mainstream

What steps should be taken to bring reluctant Tribals and Dalits into the mainstream?

Shishir Gamang: Nothing new needs to be done; just ensure the proper implementation of what is already there.

Devi Prasad Misra: Tribal people are simple. The only way to gain their faith and confidence is to deliver what is promised. And once they have trust on you, they will participate in all developmental work. Do not take advantage of their simplicity.

Marshal Panda: They are being targeted from abroad to create turmoil in Indian social fabric so that evangelical organisations find it easier to harvest souls. Need to act against those external forces first.

Jagannath Satapathy: If we really want to bring changes, we need to provide them real education so that they move out of the darker phase to enlightenment. Applicability of knowledge in real life holds the key to their growth.

Rahul Barrick: Focus on Education, Creating a culture of integrity and Demanding accountability should be the steps to bring not only reluctant Tribals and Dalits but all underprivileged people into the mainstream of the civilized society.

Chennubhotla Bapujee: Tribals and Dalits are not at all reluctant, they are either innocent or ignorant of the society around and sometimes or many a times exploited by the over intelligent /crooks of the so called civilised /modern world.

Dilip Kumar Joshi: First to implement all Govt schemes & providing proper education, health care & infrastructure is the need of the hour. Tribal leaders should find out the root cause of their problem instead of doing mere politics.

Deepak Kumar Prusty: Last ways out – proper education, doing away with caste system vis-a-vis reservation, blocking of news channels showing fabricated news on caste, proper implementation of laws.

Nagendra Sharma: First of all we should know either they are willing to come… and even if they are willing… will our political leaders allow them to come…

Laxmikant Rout: One country one law. There should not be Dalit or tribal etc etc as we all are human and must be treated equally.
