Uber launches ‘uberAUTO’ service in Bhubaneswar

Aiming to provide a cheaper transport option to the people of Smart city Bhubaneswar, taxi service provider Uber has launched ‘uberAUTO’ on Friday, coinciding with the Utkal Divas celebrations.

Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) Mayor Ananta Narayan Jena inaugurated the UberAUTO service in the presence of Priyadarshi Mishra, MLA, Bhubaneswar North, Krishan Kumar, BMC Commissioner and other dignitaries.

“Auto-rickshaws play a big part in city transport and uberAUTO will help transform the existing transportation options by using the best-in-class technology”, a release from Uber said. “In line with our vision to provide technology-backed, low-cost smart mobility solutions, uberAUTO has been launched in Bhubaneswar, the city that recently topped the smart city list.”

UberAUTO is an affordable transport option priced at Rs 15 base fare at Rs 3/km plus Rs 1/minute.

A typical trip from Sailashree Vihar to Railway station will cost Rs 80 while a trip from Naypalli to BMC Mall will cost Rs 50, the release said.

Ananta Narayan JenaAuto-rickshawsBhubaneswarBMCTransport serviceUberAUTO