Addressing an international conference on counter terrorism in Jaipur, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said that Pakistan should stop using terrorism as an instrument for its own interest.
The Home Minister reiterated that there are no good or bad terrorists. Mr Singh said if Pakistan and its intelligence agency, ISI, stop supporting terrorist groups, the security situation in South Asia would improve significantly.
Mr. Singh said that the online radicalisation of youth is a matter of serious concern. He said Indian Muslims are patriots and have not strayed into any extremist ideology.
This three-day long conference will be global platform for imminent scholars, strategic thinkers, field experts and policy makers engaged in counter terrorism activities from various government agencies, think tanks, academic and research institutions from all over the world.
During the three-day conference, issues like illegal migration and border security, Cyber space, social media and terrorism, terror trade weapons, narcotics and fake currency would also be discussed in separate sessions.