Bhubaneswar, March 4: The CBI has interrogated a senior police officer of Odisha in connection with Seashore chit fund scam in which lakhs of investors were allegedly duped of money totalling about Rs.1,500 crore, said an official of the probe agency on Thursday.
Inspector General (central range) R.P. Koche was quizzed on Wednesday by the Central Bureau of Inestigation (CBI) about his alleged connections with the Seashore group of companies, a CBI official said. Koche admitted he faced the CBI interrogation.
“This is an investigative process and I cannot divulge details of it,” he told reporters on Thursday. The CBI sources said Koche was quizzed at a secret location regarding a diary seized from arrested fixer Shubhankar Naik, who was allegedly acting as a link between bureaucrats, political leaders, police officials and Seashore officials.
Deputy Inspector General of Police (north-central range) Rajesh Kumar was also interrogated by the CBI in connection with the Seashore chit fund scam.
Seashore chief Prasant Das is in jail for duping thousands of depositors in the state. (IANS)