Insight Bureau: While the battle over GI tag for ‘Rasagola’ continues between Odisha and West Bengal, Kandhamal Turmeric, known as ‘Kandhamal Haldi’ may get the geographical indication (GI) tag soon, as Odidha Govt has decided to apply for the same, informs Odisha MSME Minister Prafulla Samal.
More than 50% people in Kandhamal district in Odisha, depend on turmeric cultivation. The district also has Kandhamal Apex Spice Association for Marketing (KASAM), which helps the farmers engaged in turmeric production.
Kandhamal Haldi is globally recognised and has got many international certifications for best organic quality. The best part of turmeric cultivation in Kandhamal is that the farmers do not use synthetic chemical inputs and preserve the purity of the soil and their produce during the cultivation.