India’s star batsman Virat Kohli has lashed out at social media trolls for targeting Bollywood Actress and his girlfriend Anushka Sharma, asking them to stop talking about her after every India match.
“Shame on people for trolling @AnushkaSharma non-stop. Have some compassion. She has always only given me positivity,” he tweeted.
He also posted an image with the title ‘SHAME’ on Instagram with long messages for the trolls:
“Shame on those people who have been having a go at Anushka for the longest time and connecting every negative thing to her. Shame on those people calling themselves educated,” Kohli wrote.
“Shame on blaming and making fun of her when she has no control over what i do with my sport. If anything she has only motivated and given me more positivity. This was long time coming. Shame on these people that hide and take a dig”.
“And I don’t need any respect for this post. Have some compassion and respect her. Think of how your sister or girlfriend or wife would feel if someone trolled them and very conveniently rubbished them in public,” he added.