While Lalu Yadav and Nitish Kumar tried their best to rake up the reservation issue in Bihar polls to put the BJP in the dock, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit back at them today in his own style and put both leaders on back foot.
Modi wooed the Dalits, Mahadalits and EBCs with the allegation that Lalu, Nitish and Sonia have hatched a conspiracy to take 5% reservation from quota and give it to a particular community on the basis of religion.
“The Supreme Court has made it clear that quota cannot exceed 50%, which is already done. Then, how they will give the reservation to a particular community based on religion? Obviously, they will take it away from you,” said Modi.
Modi’s hint was at ‘Minority Appeasement’ politics by Lalu and Nitish. The stroke was so effective that RJD-JD(U)-Congress combine was taken aback. As they can’t afford to upset either section, they kept quiet so far.
Further, Modi assured the Dalits and EBCs that there will be no changes to the existing reservation policy and any attempt to reduce their quota percentage would be resisted by him. ‘I will sacrifice my life for your cause,” he thundered. It was a big assurance by the PM on reservation policy, which can’t be ignored.