Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan has tendered an unconditional apology for his tweets in support of Yakub Memon. He has retracted the tweets. At the same time, he sought to clarify his position and also slammed the people, who had branded his tweets as “anti-religious”.
Here are his Latest Tweets:
* I had tweeted that Tiger Memon should hang for his crimes and I stand by it. What i also said is that Yakub Memon should not hang for him.
* I have not said or implied that Yakub Memon is innocent. I have complete faith in the judicial system of our country.
* Many lives were lost in the Mumbai blasts. And I have repeatedly said the loss of one innocent life is equal to the loss of all humanity.
* My dad called & said I should retract my tweets as they have the potential to create misunderstanding. I here by retract them.
* I would like to unconditionally apologise for any misunderstanding I may have created unintentionally.
* I also strongly condemn those who are claiming my tweets are anti religious. I have always said I respect all faiths and I always will.