Cholera has resurfaced in Odisha’s tribal dominated Rayagada. Health Minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak had visited cholera-affected villages to take stock of the situation in Palama in Kalyansinghpur block area of Rayagada district.
Almost five persons died of the water-borne disease and the situation is still grim. As many as 30 people are undergoing treatment for cholera.
The Health Minister has directed the authorities to ensure 24-hour healthcare and drinking water supply in the disease affected areas.
Appropriate steps have been initiated to create awareness among the people and adequate steps have been taken to check the disease. Special medical camps have been put up at three places across 10 villages.
The incidence of cholera in Kalyansinghpur block in Rayagada district was confirmed after the stool test only as the presence of bacteria was revealed, said by the director of the Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC).