The Kalahandi district Congress on Friday demanded Rs 10 lakh compensation to Dana Majhi, spouse of Amang Dei-who passed away on Wednesday.
Number of Congress leaders today gheraoed the Chief District Medical Officer’s (CDMO) office at Bhawanipatna protesting the alleged negligence of the State Government.
It is to be noted that, Dana Majhi, a tribal man, along with his 12-year-old daughter, on Wednesday walked around 10 km carrying his wife’s dead body on his shoulder as he had failed to get a mortuary van to transport the deceased body from the District Headquarters Government Hospital at Bhawanipatna.
However, after 10 km of walking, an ambulance was arranged by the locals for Dana Majhi to reach his village, which is around 65 km away from the district headquarter- Bhawanipatna.